Minor Thoughts from me to you

That Liberal Bible

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So this week I've been ragging a lot on the new Conservative Bible Project going on over at Conservapedia. Just 'cause it's, uh, y'know... stupid.

Yet confirmation bias, lack of perspective, and baseless theology certainly aren't phenomenas found solely on the Right end of the political spectrum. And to remind us all of that, today I present to you the website Jesus Is A Liberal, the creators of which want you to know:

"We believe it is high time someone stand up for the Liberal, Progressive, Tolerant and Independent thinking majority's position that any plain reading of His words, any genuine interpretation of His intent, outline a Liberal, Progressive, Tolerant, Loving [sic] and holistic world view... Our Mission is to promote the Integral Koan (TM), holistic meme, and the original belief and understanding that Jesus IS a Liberal, and to their very core His teachings outline a Liberal, Progressive, Tolerant, Loving, open minded, holistic, and sustainable vision for our World.

I tried to look up what a koan is, as well as how one might be trademarked, but according to a Buddhist priest "a koan can't be answered or understood by the intellect." Which explains the website perfectly, really.

Unlike the Conservative Bible Project, this website is now inactive - and curiously so, since it had obtained a modicum of success selling bumper stickers and t-shirts. Its Articles section advertises new updates coming your way in June of '07.

Still, as a monument to paradigm-shackled thought processes it remains exemplary, so have fun checking it out.

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