Minor Thoughts from me to you

This discovery illuminates my paradigms

I've been using the handy word "paradigm" fairly often regularly, I thought because it's a concise description of what I've found so interesting: the processes through which we've come to think, which often enough as part of their function exclude important information.

Until I was reading through a list of theological terms (one of the first sites to come up on Google when you search for theological terminology) and found this:

paradigm (Greek) Meaning a pattern, example or model. An overworked and overused word that is part of the vocabulary of individuals attempting to boost their sense of importance in the eyes of other persons. The word is used as "new paradigm" and "paradigm shift". It is used extensively by New Age writers and speakers and by the new breed of hyper-Charismatics and Dominion Theology believers to indicate that they believe a new mode of operation and thinking is in order.

I think I could rewrite the entry with a little less liberal wordiness ("paradigm (Greek) - A word used by bastards"), but still: ow. Cut to the quick.

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