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Review: Blood Rites [★★★★☆]

Blood Rites Cover Art

Blood Rites
by Jim Butcher

My rating: ★★★★☆
Read From: 03 January 2014 – 05 January 2014

In my last review, I said "once you’ve hit upon a successful method, it’d be a crime to change it". With Blood Rites, I consider myself corrected. Butcher changed up his formula and the result is an even better story. The previous five novels have each introduced a new big bad, fleshing out the magical world that Dresden lives in. This one takes that foundation and builds off of it.

Thomas, a White vampire, asks Harry to take a case, to help one of Thomas's "normal" friends. Harry, needing the money, agrees to do so. He finds himself acting as a gofer for a movie producer, as he tries to figure out who is sending killing curses against the leading ladies. For good measure, he also has to defend himself against a scourge of Black vampires looking for revenge.

This story was much more of a mystery story than the previous books were. Harry and the reader spent the majority of the story completely out to sea regarding the identity or motives of the magical attacker. The result was a very compelling read. To make things better, Harry grew over the course of the book, learning more about himself and his family. He learned some painful truths about people he thought he knew well and came out of everything with a much closer connection to the people around him. I'm eager to see where things go from here.

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