Minor Thoughts from me to you

We live to redirect you


My lovely wife's birthday, my store's grand reopening after many millions of dollars' worth of construction work, and (ya wouldn't have caught me doing this in my Christian days - and in fact I'm still not enthused) a Halloween costume party all clamor for my time this week. So, stress for me. And a link for you.

FreeKeene.com - One of the largest concentrations of Free State Project movers - libertarians who have all moved to New Hampshire to campaign for civil liberties - exists in the town of Keene, New Hampshire, making it a nexus of libertarian news. My favorite radio program, Free Talk Live, is actually based there. FreeKeene is where you go for the latest news on all the real work being done by the hardcore activists, from the constant civil disobedience initiatives to the bills being introduced by libertarian legislators in the State House. If you believe in liberty more than security or society, you owe it to yourself to make with the clickie. Current hot topics are the arrest of six marijuana-smoking activists at the annual Pumpkin Day Celebration and a medical marijuana bill.

I'd also like to note that as a comic book fan, it just tickles me pink that it's not uncommon at Free State protests to see someone wearing these:


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