Minor Thoughts from me to you

Be nice to The Economist


Above: "Blogger Etiquette."

The Economist is a classier magazine than most. Even the comments on its website's blogs, I've often noticed, tend to be of a far higher quality of cut than you'd find, say, here, where you * won't even post and give me the attention I pathologically crave.

But back to The Economist: Really, on what other site is it demanded that you register not just any old "username", but under your very own "pen name"? And how many websites automatically add the address "SIR-" to any e-mail you send them?

I don't know, but I'll tell you one thing: our own Webmaster Joe here at Minor Thoughts could learn a thing or two from this approach. Why I have to read posted comments that start out "Hey, Butthead", I don't know, when we could program this WordPress mutha to automatically add "To The Writer Of The Most Brilliant Article I Have Ever Read" to each barbed arrow you misanthropes aim at my sensitive heart.

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