Minor Thoughts from me to you

No roasting these


If you haven't heard yet, the horse-chestnut tree that gave famous Jewish refugee Anne Frank so much comfort in the early 1940's has been condemned by the city. And I don't mean "condemned" in the sense that the U.N. "condemns" things; I mean it's going to be ripped out of the ground. The tree's simply so old now, it's become a hazard to its human neighbors, who understandably take a dim view of a piece of living history crushing their houses.

However, that hasn't stopped it from continuing to comfort somebody; a few people have picked off some of its chestnuts and are now selling them on eBay. The price for your own Anne Frank Chestnut Tree (TM) is, at present, over $30,000 and climbing.

On a personal note, I'll be reading The Diary of Anne Frank for the first time soon. I've just got about a hundred pages of The Brothers Karamazov left before I jump into it.

(Tip o' the hat: FOXNews' site).

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